国际邮件 & 航运十大网堵平台
比较国际快递速度 & 价格
美国邮政总局 has an international delivery 十大网堵平台 fit your needs. 选择基于:
- 送货速度及邮费
- Features like Flat Rate shipping or included tracking and insurance
- Some extra services are available online; others are only available at a Post Office™ 位置.
美国邮政总局® 工具也可以帮助你 海关表格 (including new requirements for more-detailed descriptions of contents in packages sent to countries that follow European Union (EU) customs rules).
警告: 美国邮政总局 can no longer accept or deliver international mail to several countries due to service impacts. See all countries with temporary service and guaranteed-delivery suspensions. 阅读更多
Compare 美国邮政总局 mail services by starting retail prices, shipping time, and more. Most services automatically include 美国邮政总局跟踪®,你可以加上 保险和额外十大网堵平台.
从 $30.90
Up to $200 (merchandise depending on contents).
GXG全球快递保底 service delivers international shipments in 1 to 3 business days2, including next-day delivery to many 位置s in Canada. GXG offers competitive shipping prices and date-certain delivery with a money-back guarantee1 约 180个国家. 国际 transportation and delivery provided by FedEx Express. 起价为74美元.95.11
国际特快专递 provides fast, 可靠的, and affordable international delivery 约 180个国家. An optional date-certain service delivery with a money-back guarantee is available to a few destinations. 见《十大网堵平台》第221节.2 欲知更多详情. 获得免费送货用品,包括 统一收费信封 用于发送高达4磅的物品. 邮资从59美元起.50.10
美国邮政总局 provides 可靠的 and affordable international delivery 约 180个国家 透过国际优先邮件. Most 国际优先邮件 shipments include tracking and insurance: up to $100 for nonnegotiable documents and up to $200 for merchandise. You can send up to 4 lbs using 国际优先邮件 统一收费信封 and Small Flat Rate Boxes, 重达20磅. 使用中型和大型统一费率箱. (See all 国际优先邮件 Flat Rate Products.)邮资30美元起.90.12
一等国际包裹十大网堵平台 (FCPIS) is an economical way to send lightweight packages 约 180个国家. Packages can weigh up to 4 lbs (64 oz) and contain goods up to $400 in value. Other restrictions may apply based on the destination country. 一等国际包裹十大网堵平台 includes Electronic 美国邮政总局 Delivery Confirmation® 国际(E-美国邮政总局 DELCON国际)®),当你在线发货到 选择国家,尽管可能存在某些限制. 起价17美元.00.
国际一级邮件 is our most affordable option for sending postcards, 信, 和单位(大信封)约 180个国家.
- 送1盎司. 信 or postcards around the world with one Global Forever® 邮票,目前售价1美元.65 and never expires, even if the postage price goes up.
- 大信封(平信封)最多15个.994 oz., postage prices vary based on weight and destination, starting from $3.15.
Using 航空M-Bags is an affordable way to send large amounts of printed material to a single recipient internationally. 你可以寄报纸, 杂志, 期刊, 书, 乐谱, 目录, 目录, 商业广告, 还有宣传方面的问题. 交货时间因目的地而异. 邮资57美元起.在邮局.
重量、尺寸、 & 形状要求
- No minimum weight, but any M-Bag under 11 lbs will be charged at the 11 lb price.
- 最大重量是66磅.
- Some countries have specific prohibitions and restrictions.
1. 例外适用. 有关更多信息,请参阅第141版. 回来^ 1 .法律免责声明
2. 对于许多主要市场. 实际天数可能有所不同. See Publication 141: 环球快递保底 十大网堵平台 Guide 了解更多详细信息. 回来^ 法律免责声明2
3. 一些国家的限制较低. 有关更多信息,请参阅第141版 on insurance. 回来^ 3 .法律免责声明
4. You can receive date-certain service with a money-back guarantee to select 位置s. You must pay postage and mail your letter or package at a Post Office™ 位置. 浏览个别国家/地区列表. 回来^ 法律免责声明
5. 对于许多主要市场. 实际天数可能有所不同 based on origin, destination, and customs delays. 回来^ 致法律免责声明
6. Limitations may apply for certain destinations. 回来^ 法律免责声明
7. 请浏览国际邮件手册 国际特快专递 insurance details. 回来^ 法律免责声明
8. 不可用 for 国际优先邮件 统一收费信封 or Small Flat Rate Boxes. 回来^ 致法律免责声明
9. 请浏览国际邮件手册 国际优先邮件 insurance details. 回来^ 法律免责声明
10. 国际特快专递 pricing varies by country price group, 按重量收费的包装. 重量70磅)或统一收费信封(最大可达70磅). 重量4磅.) 回来^ 法律免责声明
11. 价格 for items mailed in 美国邮政总局-produced GXG envelopes based on weight 国家价格组. 对于所有其他GXG项目, prices based on dimensional weight or actual weight, 取较大的, 国家价格组. 回来^ 致法律免责声明
12. 国际优先邮件 pricing varies by country price group, 按重量收费的包装. Weight 70磅), 统一收费信封 or Small Flat Rate Boxes (Max. 重量4磅.),或中、大型统一费率箱(最高可达100美元). 重量20磅.) 回来^ 致法律免责声明